Live Science
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Scientists have identified never-before-seen cells in the human eye that could potentially help reverse vision loss caused by common eye diseases.

The cells were found in donated samples of fetal tissue.

Scientists also identified the same cells in lab-grown models of the human retina.

When transplanted into the retina of mice with a disease similar to retinitis pigmentosa, the stem cells turned into retinal cells needed to process light signals.

ABC News
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Georgia lawmakers won't seek student database after deadly high school shooting.

House and Senate lawmakers unveiled a compromise version of House Bill 268 on Thursday .

The push to share information was driven by the belief among many that the Barrow County school system didn’t have a full picture of the warning signs displayed by the 14-year-old accused in the fatal shootings of two students and two teachers.

The bill also removed a requirement that all school systems set up formal threat management teams.

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The House of Representatives' budget calls for more than $1 trillion in combined cuts to government programs.

The cuts could cost more than 67,500 jobs and $1.7 billion in economic output, a new analysis finds.

In 2026 alone, cuts could cause a $113 billion drop in combined state GDPs, researchers say.

Phys Org
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Coral diseases, particularly in the Caribbean , have caused major declines in coral populations, especially affecting staghorn ( Acropora cervicornis) and Elkhorn (A. palmata) corals.

Coral restoration programs aim to restore these once-abundant coral species, but the effectiveness is threatened by multiple stressors, including increases in disease frequency and nutrient pollution caused from runoff from land-based activities.

Global News
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Alexandra Hildebrandt , 66 , gave birth to her son, Philipp , via cesarean section at Charité Hospital in Berlin , on March 19 .

Philipps ’s eldest sibling, Svetlana , is 46 years his senior, and the ages of his other siblings range from two to 36 .

Hildebrant says she has never used contraceptives and does not smoke or consume alcohol.

Phys Org
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GOES-19, launched in June 2024 , began providing the new data through the Space Weather Prediction Center ( SWPC ) website as of February 25, 2025 .

CCOR-1 was designed to continuously monitor the faint outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere, called the corona, to detect large, fast-moving plasma eruptions called coronal mass ejections.

The data is delivered every 15 minutes , a significant improvement compared to the previous system.

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Phys Org
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Banning smartphone and social media access alone fails to equip children for healthy use of technology, experts say.

Instead, focus should shift to a rights-based approach, underpinned by age-appropriate design and education.

Immediate priorities are to improve legislation for the tech industry grounded in children's rights.

Phys Org
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A Chinese Academy of Sciences research team has uncovered a novel genetic mechanism that controls grain size and yield in rice.

The study, published in PNAS, was a collaboration between CAS and Hainan University .

It reveals how three critical components— OsMED23 , OsJMJ703, and OsWOX3A —work together to influence rice grain development.

Phys Org
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Scientists have detected radio signals from hot gas surrounding a supermassive black hole that existed 12.9 billion years ago .

This finding is the closest look ever at hot molecular gas near a black hole from such an early time in the universe.

The study suggests that many black holes may remain hidden behind dust but could be uncovered by this new observational approach.

The discovery had significant implications for our understanding of black holes in the early universe.

Phys Org
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The "Mapping Disparities for Black Families" report is available as a series.

The report includes recommendations for change that offer child welfare policymakers a roadmap to meaningfully address the inequitable experiences of Black families in Ontario 's child welfare system.

Black families are more than twice as likely as white families to be referred to and investigated by child welfare agencies.

The Mapping Disparities for Black Families project is planning to hold a second round of community consultations on additional study findings.

"We also hope to find out what community supports beyond the child welfare system are helpful and effective in strengthening Black families," says Edwards .

"This is just a first step," says King .