Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine



Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Here’s what you need to know

Slate Magazine
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57% Informative

My partner never wanted kids, and I felt like I had “no right” to ask for anything while I was pregnant because he didn’t want the kid to begin with.

He is a deeply loving, committed co-parent, but I am no longer in love with him.

I have chronic pain and a chronic illness that makes it extremely hard to parent alone.

If parenting a child alone were easier/more affordable, there would likely be many more divorces.

I hate that my elderly father and I can’t find a way to respect each other and share even a fragile peace.

The final straw came last October when I called to tell him I needed surgery.

He interrupted with a joke about having the surgeon remove my TDS . I told him it was cruel to prioritize politics over my health.

I quietly said, “OK, bye Dad,” and hung up.

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