American Thinker

American Thinker

After four years with a mumbling fool, we have a strong communicator back in the White House

American Thinker
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Julian Zelizer : After four years with a mumbling fool stumbling around in the role of “president,” we have a strong communicator back in the White House .

Reagan could be pithy or expansive as the occasion demanded, and some of his sharpest verbal attacks required only a few words.

He summed up his entire Cold War strategy in just four : “We win; they lose” Zelizer says.

President Trump 's communication style is much closer to that of the boisterous Churchill than the mannerly Reagan .

For periods of Churchill ’s life, the press and his peers in Parliament considered him a bombastic and self-serving showman.

As an avid writer who used the press to his advantage, Churchill would have relished being a leader during the age of social media.

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