Slate Magazine
•Why is Sydney Sweeney promoting a very ugly pair of shoes?
64% Informative
Sydney Sweeney promoted a pair of ugly boat shoes in August .
The 27-year-old actress also promoted Dr. Squatch men’s body wash.
Slatest asked if it was worth risking it all for the quick buck appearing in these ads would generate? She said nothing, letting the photos she posted on Instagram of her tush.
Hollywood star Sydney Sweeney stars in a new ad for HeyDude , a grooming brand, to promote a new body wash.
The company's parent is actually the grandfather of ugly shoe brands, Crocs , which acquired the company in 2022 for $2.5 billion .
In all seriousness, these are far from the first ugly shoes to catch on.
Sydney Sweeney is getting paid six -figure sums for each of these sorts of deals.
The average consumer is not seeing her holistically; they're seeing bits and pieces of her in their little segment, in their category.
If Sweeney were going to hypertarget me, it would be with her brand partnerships that don’t feel so random.
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possibly offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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