The Daily Wire

The Daily Wire

In 2006, Duke lacrosse rape case was an inciting incident for Black Lives Matter. This is now being exposed

The Daily Wire
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In 2006 , a stripper accused a series of rich white lacrosse players at Duke University of having sexually assaulted her.

Frida Ghitis: The Duke lacrosse rape case incited a wide variety of movements that would come into full flower over the course of the subsequent 10 years .

She says the case was an inciting incident for Black Lives Matter and for the #MeToo movement.

Ghitis says it was all lies — all of this was based on lies.

Frida Ghitis: The Duke lacrosse case was the real story of false rape allegations.

She says the media is desperate for a race case that they can magnify.

Ghitis says the Obama administration changed Title IX regulations so that you basically could not defend yourself against sexual harassment or sexual assault allegation on campus.

She asks: What was the fallout from this case?.

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