Foreign Affairs
•61% Informative
The U.S. has been ravaged by an opioid epidemic that has killed nearly one million Americans .
Over the last five years , the deaths have been largely driven by a single, synthetic drug: fentanyl.
The drug is more than 30 times as powerful as heroin, and so its spread has helped drive the number of opioid deaths to record highs.
Peter Bergen : China must get serious about cracking down on fentanyl production.
Congress has an important role to play here. Congress passed fentanyl sanctions legislation that will help deter bad actors in China .
While the U.S. reported tens of thousands of fentanyl-poisoning deaths last year , China reported zero .
If China acts to stop the flow of fentanyl, it should be able to succeed..
China must also address each of the disturbing findings of the Select Committee’s bipartisan investigation.
Beijing must terminate government ownership of entities that support the industry.
U.S. officials must hold bad actors in China accountable for the epidemic but also insist on progress and encourage the CCP to work with Washington .
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
Language complexity
Offensive language
likely offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
External references
no external sources
Source diversity
no sources
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