Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine

Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Here’s what you need to know

Slate Magazine
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53% Informative

A new mom felt hurt when her husband named her son Benny while she was in surgery.

"Betrayed New Mom" says she's considering getting a divorce.

Your husband's actions show disrespect for your opinion and cowardice on his part.

Don't "move on" from this if it's still bothering you.

My wife's family seems to view anyone not in their church or family as an outsider and not to be trusted.

My issue is not so much with their politics, but with the lies they constantly repeat and how every conversation quickly turns into an excuse to repeat some inane non-truth.

If you do go to these events and hang out with the adults, talk about something positive in your life.

Pretty horrifying world we’ve created, huh? —Greg.

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