Slate Magazine
•Q: I’m still obsessed with my ex. Should I help her? — Prudence
55% Informative
Dear Prudence: My ex was evil, violent, and controlling, but I am still obsessed with him.
I know he is now going out with " Kelsey " She and her friends bullied me viciously in high school, which I believe helps explain some of the insecurities that allowed him to exploit me.
I feel like I have to warn her about him but have no idea of how to go about it.
Dear Prudence : Talk to Ramon about how anxious you feel about the rumor/crush in general, but I would caution against confronting or accusing him as the source.
Enjoy the experience of a crush with or without accompanying rumors, but you should be proud of putting yourself out there.
I'm a straight white guy, but deeply progressive, and I see the country headed down a very dark path.
My motivation to go to Canada is this: I am deeply concerned about this country and think that having an “out” in a few years might be a good idea.
If Canada were n’t an option, my best path forward would be staying here and putting down roots.
Do you want to spend your days finalizing escape routes or try and make a good life here anyway?.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
possibly offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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