Law & Liberty
•56% Informative
Philip Wallach has posed a challenge to my argument that a return to the “politics of truth and virtue that built the West ’s West” will help us restore our political order, he says.
David Rothkopf : In doing so, he will explain why embrace of politics as its own autonomous sphere is both impossible and undesirable.
He says contemporary liberals reject a given order of things, that is a prior, universal truth capable of limiting our attempts at self-assertion.
Rothpf: The willful transgression of these limits will not end well.
Liberalism disregards the question of truth as too burdensome to become an object of political deliberation.
Graham McAleer : In the trial of Jesus before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , Pilate famously asked, “What is truth?” He says the politics of utility at the service of truth is the best way to place limits on politics, to prevent politics from devolving into barbarism.
McAleers: The politics of truth affirms what is given by nature and the constitution of human nature.
Frida Ghitis: People are looking to politics for meaning because they are less likely to find meaning in traditional, non-political institutions of religion, family, and education.
She says the decline of Christianity facilitates the growth of anti-racism, feminism, and socialism.
Ghitis says Christianity has served as the supranational life source of Western civilization.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
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