Law & Liberty
•58% Informative
Anti-Semitism has a long history and deep roots in Western culture, says Frida Ghitis.
For roughly fifteen centuries, Jews had been excluded from integration into European society.
Ghitis: For many non-Jews, greater Jewish participation in civic life gave rise to what they called “The Jewish Question.
Jews had long been regarded as other’ and as deviously dangerous, Ghitis writes.
In Europe, the so-called “Jewish question’s” remained open, needing an answer.
A century later, an answer came in the form of a program of extermination.
The Jewish Question became a malignant obsession of Adolph Hitler.
Some among the secular Left have cultivated a form of anti-Semitism also based on a notion of supersession.
There have been plenty of Israeli missteps but the fact is that concessions and withdrawals are followed by more terror, murder, and hostage-taking.
Many in the West who claim they are only anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic have been unable to sustain that lie, as recent events indicate.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
Language complexity
Offensive language
likely offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
External references
no external sources
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no sources
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