The Federalist
•What The Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals
51% Informative
What The Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back To Save Their Patients.
Ken McCarthy documents real-world America during the earliest months of the Covid-19 outbreak.
McCarthy argues widespread corruption of the news media, academia, and ultimately science has resulted in an extremely dysfunctional system that places patients last.
McCarthy : Government, at all levels, and the news media conducted itself during Covid to be a terror campaign.
McCarthy : For society to operate, we have to trust the people around us.
We have an entirely new breed of doctors today , very different from the ones our grandparents knew, he says.
How many people were intubated and put on ventilators for an extended period of time? Why were these extreme measures richly incentivized by the federal government? How many of the more than 900,000 people who “died of Covid ” in U.S. hospital facilities were given a treatment that was not medically supportable?.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
Language complexity
Offensive language
possibly offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
Known propaganda techniques
External references
no external sources
Source diversity
no sources
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no affiliate links