



The poison of Trump's "intolerant language": Violent rhetoric is a road to civil war

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LZ Granderson : The GOP was outraged that the Senate no longer required to wear suits and ties on the floor of the Senate .

He says the GOP has become downright lewd on the campaign trail and his crowds are delirious with delight.

LZ: Trump 's rhetoric has always been violent and lurid going back to the days when he proclaimed, "I love waterboarding," and regaled his audiences with tales of generals executing Muslim prisoners with bullets dipped in pigs' blood.

The violence is coming to a boil just below the surface, he says.

One in three Republicans agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country” up from 15% in 2021 to 46% of those who believe the Big Lie.

Trump is a classic mid-20th-century racist and xenophobe in the old Archie Bunker mold.

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