Slate Magazine
•61% Informative
Three years ago , I wrote a bestselling book that has had continued success.
My aunt and uncle haven't acknowledged my book once.
They don't visit or call my grandfather, who has been nothing but kind and generous to both of them, and they never want to spend holidays with us, only with each other.
I was a smoker when we met, and a few years into dating but before we got engaged, he told me that he can't picture being with or raising kids with someone who smokes.
With various nicotine replacement tools and therapy, I quit, then when we moved in together, I started smoking in secret, until he caught me.
He was hurt by both the smoking and the lying, and I totally understood, apologized for both, and quit again.
But now it’s happened again. The privacy of secret smoking has come to represent taking a break and self-indulging. He responded by getting between me and the door to try and prevent me from smoking.
In a world in which you can learn whatever language you want from an app on your phone, no one speaking Spanish around you has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
You didn’t owe the people in the elevator an announcement, and it also would have been kind of weird to make that declaration.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
Language complexity
Offensive language
possibly offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
External references
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Affiliate links
no affiliate links