Mother Jones
•74% Informative
Allie Phillips , 28 , is running as a Democrat for the Tennessee House of Representatives in District 75 .
She has told her abortion story countless times to her followers on TikTok , lawyers helping her sue her state over restrictions to reproductive care, and to the lawmakers who failed her.
She hopes to pass Miley’s Law to give pregnant people the power to decide their next steps when the fetus is diagnosed with fetal anomalies.
Miley Phillips was a part of an often misunderstood and ridiculed group of people who choose abortion in a wanted pregnancy for medical reasons.
After she discovered the anomalies, Phillips went to New York and kept posting photos of her daughter's death.
Rep. Jeff Burkhart , a Republican , tried to sponsor Miley ’s Law, but it has since passed.
Phillips said she had already received a donation from all 50 states in the week following her announcement that she was running.
She said she considered laying in bed crying, but decided to stay busy instead.
Phillips said it was a particularly hard day she decided to run for Burkhart 's seat.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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