Washington Post

Washington Post

US Politics

US Politics

JFK files expose family secrets: Their relatives were CIA assets

Washington Post
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E.B. Smith was a professor at the University of Maryland who wrote books on pre-Civil War presidents.

He knew his grandfather had once been a U.S. government asset, feeding Soviet -era intelligence to the CIA .

The Trump administration's release of more than 77,000 pages related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy has shed little new light on the killing.

Robert North taught at Stanford University and wrote books on how people’s attitudes can influence the behavior of organizations and countries.

But outside the classroom, North fed U.S. officials intelligence he gleaned from geopolitical research.

He was a World War II veteran who fought Japanese soldiers in the 1944 Battle of Saipan .

His name appears newly unredacted on a memo detailing a surveillance operation gone wrong.