

US Politics

US Politics

Mark Klein, AT&T Whistleblower Who Exposed NSA's Mass Surveillance, Dies

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Mark Klein was an internet technician for AT&T in San Francisco and had recently retired when he read a New York Times article in late 2005 about mass surveillance of Americans being conducted by the NSA .

Klein went to the EFF in 2006 to help blow the whistle, explaining how NSA used a splitter for all internet traffic flowing through San Francisco , rerouting everything to a room at AT &T called 641A.

President Bush acknowledged the spying program in May 2006 , invoking the terror attacks of 9/11 to justify it.

The problem is that even if another Klein were to pop up here in 2025 to tell the exact same story, it seems unlikely many people would even notice. Most Americans assume their activity online is being constantly monitored, if not by the government than by the Big Tech oligarchs who showed up in church with Trump on his inauguration day. Sure, the government is probably monitoring your internet traffic. But does it even matter if the NSA is actually behind it, when Mark Zuckerberg is whispering all your secrets to the feds anyway?.