



The CIA murdered my dad who worked on a secret mind-control program

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74% Informative

Dr Frank Olson worked on CIA 's top-secret mind-control program, MKUltra .

His death at age 43 was first attributed to an accident by the U.S. Army , and then amended to suicide.

His son Eric Olson , now 81 , believes his death was a CIA authorized non-judicial execution.

Olson was one of at least eight men given LSD that night of November 19, 1953 as part of an experiment in the CIA 's MKUltra program.

He also claims that a 1994 autopsy found evidence of a hematoma - localized bleeding above Olson 's left eye - which showed he had been dealt a blow.

Eric Olson was just nine years' old when two men knocked at the front door of the family home in Frederick , Maryland to inform his mother Alice that her husband had died.

She was told he had fallen or jumped out of the window in his room at the Statler Hotel in New York on November 28, 1953 .

Olson became paranoid, barely ate and one evening disappeared into the night to toss away his wallet, identification badge and money because he believed Ruwet told him to (he had not) Within days he would be in NYC seeking psychiatric help accompanied by MKUltra deputy Robert Lashbrook .

Houston replied, 'Yes, it would have that effect. Eric Olson believes that regardless of the outcomes in court, the battle for justice for his father has already been won, 'at least in principle'. 'An unknown Army biochemist falls from a window in a New York hotel in the middle of the night . He must have had some kind of bad dream,' he said. 'That's what I grew up with. The costs of that lie, never mind the deed itself, have been unimaginable.'.

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likely offensive

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not hateful

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not detected

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not detected



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