

US Politics

US Politics

Alarm as Republican judge who lost election pushes voter-fraud claim

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Jefferson Griffin is still trying to remove more than 65,000 voters’ ballots from the count, contending they were not lawfully able to vote.

Griffin , a Republican , lost to Democratic supreme court justice Allison Riggs by 734 votes, affirmed by two recounts.

Riggs has recused herself from the case, which is now before the state's court of appeals.

Spring Dawson-McClure still doesn’t know if her vote will ultimately count, despite it being counted at least twice so far.

She received a postcard from the North Carolina Republican Party in November , after she voted, that said her vote “may be affected by one or more protests filed in relation to the 2024 general election” She has voted in 19 elections since 2012 , previously without issue.