



Scientists discover Earth's oldest impact crater in Australia

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Geologists have discovered the world's oldest known impact crater in Western Australia .

An analysis of rock layers in the region suggests a crater at least 62 miles ( 100 kilometers ) wide was carved after a large space rock struck Earth roughly 3.47 billion years ago .

The crater may have played a crucial role in fostering early life and therefore provide insights into how life on Earth might have originated.

Spectacular photo taken from ISS shows 'gigantic jet' of upward-shooting lightning towering 50 miles over New Orleans ' Primordial' helium from the birth of the solar system may be stuck in Earth 's core - This should come as no surprise that it was found in western Australia . The oldest rocks at 4.4 billion years and the oldest verifiable fossil life forms at 3.5 billion years were also found there. Seems like a good place to find very old things. Reply -.