ABC News

ABC News



Shaun White kicks off new league with visions of snowboarding riches on the halfpipe

ABC News
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Shaun White's Snow League is a $1.6 million , four -stop halfpipe tour dreamed up by the 38-year-old .

The Snow League will pay out $ 50,000 first prizes for both men and women.

White kicked off action Friday with an exhibition run through the halfpipe.

The league is trying to solve one problem by linking with other circuits to offer qualifying points.

The Snow League will add halfpipe skiing at its next event, in China in December .

White is putting his name behind a concept that could change the sport or, if things don't go well, leave snowboarding fractured.

White has spent a career trying to lift both himself and his sport out of their comfort zones.

The format lends a new element of strategy to the proceedings.