



US Navy Top Guns have a new missile and it is shocking the Chinese

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The US Navy revealed a new and extremely powerful air-to-air missile an air-launched version of the Raytheon SM-6 , normally fired from a vertical launch silo aboard a warship but also compatible with ground-based launchers.

The AIM-174B is a massive missile weighing nearly a ton and ranging at least 220 miles if not farther.

It “will massively change the current attack-defence model of war at sea,” a government-owned trade publication in China said.

SM-6s launched from escorting destroyers would also offer a defence against anti-ship ballistic missiles fired from ashore perhaps even hypersonic ones.

Even if the Chinese could develop a firm idea where the carriers were, a difficult feat, they would struggle to hit them through such defences.

President Donald Trump has demanded the Navy and other military services each divert eight percent of their annual budgets to Trump ’s personal priorities.