Huffington Post UK

Huffington Post UK



840,000 British children aged 11-16 have been scammed online in the last 12 months

Huffington Post UK
Nutrition label

55% Informative

Just shy of 840,000 British children aged 11-16 have been scammed online in the last 12 months .

Over 3,000 attempts are made to scam young people online every single day .

The most prevalent type of scam is spoof ads or quizzes, where scammers impersonate well-known brands to get children to purchase fraudulent items or give up personal data.

Aims to encourage kids to sleep on it’s time to consider if they really need to buy or give money.

If your child does end up being scammed, try to be compassionate especially as it can feel like their world has ended.

Samaritans offers a listening service which is open 24 hours a day, on 116 123 ( UK and ROI).