



The New York Yankees’ repeal of their facial hair policy is simply business

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68% Informative

Hal Steinbrenner announced Friday that the New York Yankees will no longer allow players to wear beards.

The rule was part of the rule that kept players from wearing beards on baseball diamonds from the 1970s on to the 1980s .

The Yankees are no longer the Yankees , and the rule is a sign that the team has overtaken them from the old Boss .

Jarring transformations, like Johnny Damon as the thick bearded, long haired “idiot” Red Sox star, to the clean cut Wall Street-looking outfielder, and the brutally savage trimming of Randy Johnson’s marvelous mullet, are also out for good. Instead, Yankees fans will now watch and wait for any growth signaling the ultimate reversal: Aaron Judge as a newly bearded baseball menace, batting clean-up in the Bronx ..