Good News Network

Good News Network



Countries Are Breathing the Cleanest Air in Centuries and Offer Lessons to the Rest of Us

Good News Network
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78% Informative

The West is breathing better air than at perhaps any point since urbanization, but developing nations likely won't need 100 years to arrive at similar outcomes.

Bad air quality is responsible for millions of lost life years worldwide from respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, and neurological disease.

In the UK , NOx emissions have fallen to levels seen in 1950 , even as the number of road-driven miles in the country has steadily increased.

Beijing —once synonymous with face masks and grimy skies, now enjoys a routine weather phenomenon called the “Beijing Blue,” in other words, a blue sky. This, GNN reported, was accomplished by a “war on pollution” that led to an average life expectancy increase of 4 years for the average Beijingren . SHARE This Great Map Towards Easy Breathy Progress On Social Media.