



Do you have high-quality sperm? What it can tell you about your health — and why it's key to a healthy pregnancy and kid.

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Experts say that a man’s sperm health does, in fact, play an important role not only in conception but also in the health of the pregnancy, the mother and the future little human.

The easiest way to assess sperm health is with a semen analysis, including: Semen volume, sperm concentration, motility and motility.

An abnormal semen analysis is a “canary in a coal mine” for underlying health issues, Dr. Coward says.

Symptoms to look out for include general sexual function, such as libido.

Eating a balanced diet and taking supplements may help optimize sperm quality.

Talk to your doctor about medications you're on.

Instead of supplements, Coward recommends sticking to dietary protein, “clean” workouts and a healthy diet that has no mystery ingredients. Embrace a healthy lifestyle. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that all the healthy living advice you’re constantly hearing is important for sperm health, too. In addition to a healthy diet and a multivitamin and fish oil supplement, experts recommend limiting alcohol to fewer than four drinks per week, stopping all nicotine and THC products, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water..