



Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart

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UK 's Advanced Research and Invention Agency ( Aria ) has awarded 81 m to 27 teams.

The quest is to find signals that forewarn of the greatest climate catastrophes the climate crisis could trigger.

Tipping points occur when global temperature is pushed beyond a threshold, leading to unstoppable changes in the climate system.

“We will make use of real-world examples of past tipping points to better understand these events,” said Prof David Thornalley at University College London . More powerful models will be developed by another team, aiming to pinpoint when and where climate tipping points might occur. “Forecasting tipping points is a formidable challenge,” said Dr Reinhard Schiemann , at the University of Reading . “But the fantastic range of teams tackling this challenge from different angles, yet working together in a coordinated fashion, makes this programme a unique opportunity.”.