



Analysis: 5 ways to look at the Los Angeles fires through the lens of climate realism

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Varun Sivaram : California wildfires are a concrete example for how to apply climate realism’ to understanding the threat of climate change to U.S. interests.

By midcentury, climate change could make California wildfires more than 7 percent more intense, he says.

Sivar: U.N. should prepare for the most likely outcome, which currently includes average warming in excess of 3C (5.4F) by century-end .

Varun Sivaram is senior fellow for Energy and Climate at the Council on Foreign Relations .

He says the U.S. cannot make much of a difference to global climate change by reducing its own emissions.

But the United States may be able to meaningfully bend the global emissions curve by developing innovative decarbonization technologies that the rest of the world can use.