Phys Org

Phys Org



Scientists unravel how ancient bacteria weave living mats—solving one of nature's oldest mysteries

Phys Org
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89% Informative

Study reveals how cyanobacteria self-organize into intricate living mats.

Microorganisms form "biomats" when they link together to create thread-like filaments.

A single cyanobacterium is incredibly small, typically ranging in size from 1 to 30 micrometers (m) in diameter.

A biomat the size of an A4 sheet can appear within hours or days .

The team say that the findings could help guide future research into how different types of bacteria organize themselves to form structures.

The study lead Dr. Jan Cammann , a Research Associate in Mathematics at Loughborough University , said that the research could improve our understanding of how bacterial biofilms are formed.