Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

US Politics

US Politics

Why Indian Americans are shifting right – and poised to serve in top Trump roles

Christian Science Monitor
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For decades , Democrats could count on votes from Indian Americans , a fast-growing immigrant population with high turnout rates at elections.

As the United States moved right in November ’s election amid discontent over the economy and immigration, cracks have appeared in what was a bedrock of support.

Roughly 70% of Indian immigrants to the U.S. have arrived since 2000 and are known as the IT Generation .

In 2016 , only 16% of Indian Americans voted for Mr. Trump , according to an analysis of election data by the University of California at Riverside .

Six members of the next Congress , all Democrats , are of Indian descent.

Polls show Democratic policies on abortion access and gun control, among others, are popular with Indian Americans .