



The next massive volcanic eruption is coming. It will cause chaos the world is not prepared for | CNN

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Mount Tambora exploded in the most powerful eruption in recorded history in 1815 , cooling the planet and ushering in disaster.

Scientists warn there is a 1 -in-6 chance of a massive eruption this century .

The next eruption will “cause climate chaos,” says Markus Stoffel , a climate professor at the University of Geneva .

Volcanoes have shaped our world; they help create continents, have built the atmosphere and can change the climate.

An estimated 800 million people live within around 60 miles of an active volcano.

A massive eruption could erase an entire city.

Longer-term, the impacts could be cataclysmic.

A 1 degree Celsius drop in temperature might sound small, but it’s an average.

The next eruption could happen anywhere.