Five Books

Five Books

What are the five most consequential economic developments of 2024?

Five Books
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65% Informative

American economist Jason Furman recommends the best economics books of 2024 , books that shed light on our current predicament and how to get out of it.

Furman says incumbent governments around the world were kicked out by high inflation, poor wage growth and continuing inequality.

The biggest impact has been that incumbent parties have lost everywhere and inflation is almost certainly part of the problem.

The benefits of globalization are so large that I believe it is more like a dandelion that can thrive in any conditions than an orchid that needs to be carefully nurtured.

Lawrence : The decline of manufacturing employment in countries around the world was not primarily the result of free trade or other policy choices but instead mostly due to technological advances that require fewer people in production.

Jason Furman is an American economist.

He served as the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama .

He is a professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and Harvard College .

Furman: Governments should be focusing on long run, particularly how to increase economic growth and ensure it is more shared and sustainable.