Nosferatu: New Vampire Film
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German Expressionist film NosferatuWired
•Nosferatu’s Resurrection Was a Long Time Coming
59% Informative
Robert Eggers' Nosferatu, out December 25 , is based on F. W. Murnau's German Expressionist film.
Eggers: "I've been into vampires as long as I can remember. I was very afraid of witches from a young age, but was very intrigued by vampires".
Guillermo del Toro's latest horror film, The Death of Dracula , has been released this week .
The film is inspired by a number of different vampire films and vampire lore.
The biggest influence on the film aside from Nosferatu was Jack Clayton's The Innocents.
Del Toro says he would love to see a Robert Eggers Teenage Ninja Turtles movie.
I mean, you already got SpongeBob a lot of press recently. That's what I'm saying. I’m like fucking hell. So yeah, basically no comment..
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