



Worried about grid reliability, Illinois officials seek to boost renewables, energy storage

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Illinois is struggling to keep up with its goals to bring new renewable energy online.

Regulators worry that the pool of money that funds the transition could soon fall short.

Lawmakers are hurriedly working to find solutions that could be rolled out quickly.

A short lame duck legislative session tentatively planned for Jan. 4-7 could become an energy policy battleground.

The IPA is working with some industry groups on legislation that would address problems with the RPS budget.

Without changes to the law or the energy market, the agency would need to scale back its renewable energy procurement by “ 40 to 60 percent ” over about 15 years .

The IPA has suggested the legislature give it more flexibility to modify procurement amounts.

Pritzker pumped the brakes on a lame duck energy package in mid-December , telling reporters there’s not currently some legislation.

Most grid operators face major backlogs for approving new generation projects.

Grid operators have almost 600 gigawatts of generation capacity waiting to go online.