



Sodas like Poppi and Olipop bill themselves as healthier alternatives to Coke. Are they good for you? Here's how they compare.

Nutrition label

64% Informative

Sales of prebiotic and probiotic soda shot up 210% between 2022 and 2023 .

Some modern sodas contain probiotics and prebiotics, which work together to support a healthy gut.

Poppi, Olipop , Zevia and Culture Pop feature natural sweeteners instead of regular sugar or artificial sweeteners.

In terms of caffeine, only two of Poppi ’s nine flavors contain it: Classic Cola and Doc Pop .

Olipop is sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and small amounts of fruit juices.

Zevia is the only calorie-free option on this list.

Even low-calorie beverages can add up if you drink more than one per day.

A 12 -can sleeve of Coke may cost $7 to $10 , a 12 -pack of Poppi clocks in at about $29 .

You’re better off, she says, spending that money on nutrient-rich food, not soda.