H5N1 Avian Flu Evolves Rapidly
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avian influenzaVOA
•Bird flu spillover to other species poses global health threat, experts warn
75% Informative
H5N1 avian influenza has been reported in 108 countries and territories over five continents in the last three years .
The virus is increasingly crossing species barriers and infecting a wide range of domestic and wild mammals.
The WHO assesses the current risk of infection for the public as low, but considers the public health risk for farm workers and others exposed to infected animals.
“Cows infected with the H5N1 virus have been reported to have high viral loads in their milk,” she said, so, it is advisable that people “consume pasteurized milk.” “If pasteurized milk is not available, heating milk until it boils also makes it safe for consumption. Similarly, we recommend thoroughly cooking meat and eggs when in areas affected by avian flu outbreaks,” she said..
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