University refuses to confirm ransom payment
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ransom demandwindsorstar
•Two years later, UWindsor remains mum on whether ransom paid to cyberattackers
73% Informative
More than two years after a crippling cyberattack, the University of Windsor still refuses to confirm whether it paid a ransom to regain control of its hijacked systems.
The university tried to charge nearly $9,000 for documents related to the June 2022 cyberattack.
Law enforcement is that institutions under cyberattack should not bend to ransom demands.
University of Windsor said it did send updates to the province, but did not get more specific.
The university said it identified 881 documents, including 6,681 pages and 150 Excel documents, that were “likely responsive” to the request.
UWindsor said a large amount of those documents would be exempted using various sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act .
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not offensive
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not hateful
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