

Flat Earther travels to Antarctica - and realises our planet is round

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Jeran Campanella , who runs the popular Flat Earth YouTube channel ' Jeransim ', has travelled to Antarctica .

He witnessed first hand that the sun doesn't set during the southern hemisphere's summer .

This means the sun remains visible all day , including at midnight a phenomenon dubbed 'the midnight sun' The trip cost $ 35,000 ( 27,500 ) but he stopped short of saying that the Earth is spherical.

Another user, Oz Riv , called Mr Duffy a 'shill', adding: 'You are a pastor advocating for earth that isn't biblical. Annd you work with Nasa .' Scientists have know for millennia that Earth is a sphere due to the simple fact that the sun sets at different times in different locations. If the Earth were flat, then shadows would be the same length, regardless of location. For space travelers and robotic probes, the curvature of the Earth has also long been clearly visible..