Winnipeg man charged after fleeing police
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Toronto policeWinnipeg News | Local Breaking | CTV News Winnipeg
•Winnipeg man charged after attempting to flee from police in stolen vehicle
69% Informative
Winnipeg man charged after attempting to flee from police in stolen vehicle.
Future of three non-profit organizations at the University of Regina (U of R) is uncertain following a proposal by the students’ union ( URSU ) Two anesthesiologists at Montreal ’s Royal Victoria Hospital were brought before the Quebec College of Physicians disciplinary board for questionable practices and were suspended.
A Saskatchewan shopper is out more than $200 after being charged twice for her grocery purchase at a Regina Walmart.
A two-month break in the federal goods and services tax (GST) on certain products comes into effect today .
Environment Canada is warning of a storm surge on British Columbia's south coast that could reach a metre high.
Two anesthesiologists at Montreal ’s Royal Victoria Hospital were brought before the Quebec College of Physicians disciplinary board .
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