



Are black plastic spatulas really that bad? Your exposure to toxins from popular cooking utensils may not be as extreme as recent study suggested.

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A study published in October found high levels of flame retardants in black-colored plastic.

The study found that the presence of decaBDE may not be as intense as previously thought.

The researchers have submitted a correction to the journal Chemosphere , which should be published soon.

Despite the mathematical error, researchers say people should still be wary of black plastic kitchen utensils.

Only a certain portion of the amount that does make it into food will be taken in by the body.

“We’re already exposed through our electronics, automobiles, furniture this is part of the big picture of exposure,” Liu says.

Liu : “If you can, reduce your use of plastic. Not just black plastic, but plastic in general, [which] can reduce your exposure to any harmful chemical additives.