



Gynaecology patients going private to escape NHS waiting lists

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Waiting lists for gynaecology appointments across the UK have more than doubled since February 2020 .

Women waiting in agony for vital treatment are turning to the private sector in the hope of being referred urgently to the top of the NHS waiting list.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says the discussion around the government's 10-year health plan is a chance to lobby for "much needed" funding.

Amy , 40 , was misdiagnosed as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome until a procedure at 26 revealed she was suffering from severe endometriosis.

Saschan , 33 , used her student-finance grant to pay for her first NHS appointment.

Bethany , 27 , is now exploring treatment through private health insurance.

Saschan used her student finance grant to pay for first private consultant appointment.

Overall, Saschan has spent around 2,000 on private appointments.

Four operations later she has had further endometriosis diagnosis, fibroids and hiatus hernia .

She says the menopause brings up a lot of things about how you feel about your identity.