Neon Maniacs: A Cult Film
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Neon Maniacs turfGizmodo
•Neon Maniacs' Weird Flaws Make It an Even Greater Cult Classic
43% Informative
The cult movie, released in 1986 , still manages to entertain.
Despite a few establishing shots of the famous bridge, Neon Maniacs appears to have been shot almost entirely in Los Angeles .
The title stars have a lot of potential, which unfortunately goes unexplored.
There’s a pretty silly plot that doesn’t hit many curveballs.
Neon Maniacs is a surprisingly agreeable oddity well worthy of its cult status.
The Paula character elevates it into that meta category of “monster movies featuring characters who love monster movies” There’s a certain goofiness that goes along with hideous creatures who can’t withstand water.
VR Score
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Neutral language
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Offensive language
likely offensive
Hate speech
likely hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
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not detected
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no sources
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