



Desert ants use the polarity of the geomagnetic field for navigation

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Desert ants of Cataglyphis nodus species use the Earth ’s magnetic field for spatial orientation.

But these tiny insects rely on a different component of the field than other insects.

The researchers suspect that magnetoreception in these desert ants is based on a mechanism involving tiny particles of the iron oxide mineral magnetite or other magnetic particles.

Desert ants live in the featureless salt pans of the North African Sahara or in pine forests in Greece .

When they leave the nest, they move in a zig-zag pattern, but once they have found food they return to the nest entrance in a straight line.

The discovery that ants use a different mechanism for magnetoreception other insect species such as butterflies or cockroaches opens up new avenues for studying the evolution of this form of sensory perception in the animal kingdom.