Thrawn's Star Wars Impact
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battle ThrawnGizmodo
•How Successful Was Thrawn's Attempt to Take Over the Galaxy in Star Wars' Expanded Universe?
64% Informative
Grand Admiral Thrawn ’s remnant movement rises and falls over the course of a few months , just five years after Return of the Jedi in 9ABY.
Despite its briefness, the Thrawn Campaign set the stage for an incredibly volatile moment in the galaxy, putting the still-fledgling New Republic on the back foot.
Thrawn made an uneasy alliance with C’Baoth, offering the capture of Jedi siblings Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo to CBaoth for training.
In exchange, Thrawn would receive the aid of C'Baoth’s Force mastery in the art of battle meditation.
Thrawn exploited the use of Delta Source , a Clone War-era surveillance system in the heart of the Imperial Palace .
The Legacy of the Thrawn-Z campaign has been released.
The Grand Admiral was assassinated in the wake of his death.
The New Republic lost 40% of its military capacity between the loss or damage of Thrawn ’s post-war campaigns.
The Empire lost control of Coruscant and the New Republic into a state of state of degradation.
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not offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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