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Yahoo Sports

Are college football conference title games on their way out?

Yahoo Sports
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68% Informative

SMU could be out of the playoff field with a loss in the ACC championship game against Clemson .

Some believe conference championship games in an expanded playoff era are destined for, at the very least, serious evaluation and, eventually, complete elimination.

Clemson represents the College Football Playoff’s first bid-stealer, as a victory likely assures it one of the automatic bids.

The reward of a conference championship and a first -round bye in the playoff is risk-reward.

The risk of injury before the onslaught of a four -round playoff is obvious, too.

Conference championship games are not deeply rooted in college athletics.

Many of them have started just in the last decade , including the Sun Belt ( 2018 ), Big 12 ( 2015 ) and AAC ( 2015 )..

Conference championship games are estimated to hold a television value of more than $40 million .

The get-in price for the Big Ten championship game is less than $15 .

The move could alleviate a cramped December where officials are trying to play eight new playoff games while going head-to-head with the NFL .

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