

Up-and-coming companies race to develop drone defenses that militaries and multinational corporations may now need

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Start-ups and newer companies compete with the largest defense contractors to build the sensors and weapons to defeat drones.

The typical ways to counter drones can be broken into four steps: detect, track, identify, and mitigate threats.

MARSS ' technology is designed to detect, analyze, and annotate data collected by its integrated systems and present it in a way "that the drone operator could understand it extremely easily".

"It's a big, big deal when you can extend the range on detection, you give the operator a lot more time to act accordingly and to lower any mistakes," Harman said. "When you can eliminate a large portion of all the false positives, you allow the operators to focus on what they need to focus on." If you enjoyed this story, be sure to follow Business Insider on Microsoft Start ..