Skye man convicted of murder spree
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•Skye man murdered brother-in-law during shooting spree
73% Informative
Finlay MacDonald repeatedly stabbed his wife Rowena at their home on the island of Skye .
He then drove for another 40 miles before shooting Fay MacKenzie and her husband John in their home.
Father-of-four denied all the charges and claimed he was suffering from an abnormality of mind.
He was found guilty of murdering his brother-in-law and attempting to kill his wife and two other people.
"Not just those directly affected by the incident, but also the wider community. "The communities affected probably still bear the scars and the healing process is still ongoing." He added: "I am sure people will continually need support. "There is closure for some, but for some people that might never happen." Additional reporting by Steven Godden , Alasdair Macleod , Morgan Spence , Chris MacLennan , Iain Macinnes and Edinburgh Courts Press Services ..
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likely offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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not detected
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