

Israel’s attorney-general, Gali Baharav-Miara, has been vilified as an ‘anarchist’ and ‘the most dangerous person to the State of Israel’

Nutrition label

63% Informative

Israel ’s leading daily, Haaretz , ran a full-length advertisement on its front page last Wednesday , 20 November .

It featured a photo of the country's attorney-general, Gali Baharav-Miara , and captioned “Continue to uphold the rule of law on behalf of all of us.” It was signed by the “Business Forum ,” which consists of the heads of Israel 's 200 leading corporations.

Netanyahu has been pushing ahead with his highly unpopular “judicial reforms” that would concentrate power in his hands.

His corruption trial opened in May 2020 , but the proceedings have unfolded at a snail’s pace.

Netanyahu asked the General Security Service ( GSS ) for a letter stipulating that it is unsafe for him to appear in a courtroom in view of possible Hezbollah or Iranian drone attacks.

The GSS is also conducting an ongoing investigation into the felonious mishandling of documents by the prime minister's closest aides.

Israel has barred West Bank Arabs from crossing into the country for work and that, coupled with the settlers’ efforts to subvert Palestinian agriculture, have exacerbated the Palestinians ’ economic woes.

In the past, the GSS would occasionally identify settlers who had been responsible for vicious crimes and the IDF would imprison them on the strength of administrative detention warrants.

In one of his first acts as the new defence minister, Yisrael Katz announced he will no longer issue such orders against Jews .

VR Score


Informative language


Neutral language


Article tone




Language complexity


Offensive language

possibly offensive

Hate speech

not hateful

Attention-grabbing headline

not detected

Known propaganda techniques

not detected



External references

no external sources

Source diversity

no sources

Affiliate links

no affiliate links