Memes' Virality Predicted by Behavior
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Internet memesGizmodo
•Why Does a Meme Go Viral and Can We Predict It?
74% Informative
Giz Asks: Why do some memes go viral and is it possible to predict that virality? Memes are undeniably a cultural and political force to be reckoned with.
The perfect meme recipe is still a mystery, but certain ingredients like composition, subject, and relatability are essential.
A successful successful meme has an element of surprise while being fully aligned with the current moment.
A key priority for meme creators is to ensure that their content is relevant to their target audience.
Memes go viral when they resonate with a lot of people all at once.
Timeliness also helps, connecting a meme to a moment people are already thinking about.
Even in an age with a phone in every pocket, prominent figures with big audiences do a lot. Thought leaders and influencers, for better or worse, can light a fuse.
If you take an unbiased look at memes as aesthetic objects, by which I mean artifacts put together to produce a response in those who consume them and share them with other consumers, then the virality of a meme is no more predictable than that of a song, poem, or novel.
The difference has to do, I think, with the fact that the response to memes is clearly affective and not just interpretive, and that the consumption and transmission of memes is fast.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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