Supernova Ends Dark Matter Search
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dark matterScienceDaily
•A nearby supernova could end the search for dark matter
76% Informative
A nearby supernova could end the search for dark matter.
Axions are the most likely candidate for enigmatic dark matter that dominates the universe.
Scientists propose that a quick way to find these axions is to look for a gamma ray burst coincident with a neutrino burst from a nearby core collapse supernova.
But we need a fleet of gamma ray telescopes to insure we capture these rare events.
The current best candidate for dark matter is the axion, a particle that fits nicely within the standard model of physics.
The strongest candidate for an axion is called a QCD axion -- named after the reigning theory of the strong force, quantum chromodynamics .
In a strong magnetic field, axions should occasionally turn into an electromagnetic wave, or photon.
Story Source: Journal Reference: - Claudio Andrea Manzari , Yujin Park , Benjamin R. Safdi , Inbar Savoray . Supernova Axions Convert to Gamma Rays in Magnetic Fields of Progenitor Stars. Physical Review Letters , 2024 ; 133 ( 21 ) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.211002 Cite This Page:.
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