Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

G20 'achieves consensus on diverse points of view amid changing of economic philosophy across world'

Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Nutrition label

68% Informative

Outgoing Indian ambassador to France , Jawed Ashraf , says the G20 was instrumental in saving G20 from collapsing in India .

Ashraf says G20 is perhaps today the only platform globally where leaders of major countries from diverse geographies, from different circumstances are actually coming together to debate on a whole set of issues and then set directions for the future.

He says there is a great deal of unity, cohesion and getting a consensus.

President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that it's not going to be business as usual as far as the United States is concerned.

India has had a very strong relationship with the U.S. during President Trump 's first Presidency, as we've had with other presidents from President Clinton , President Bush , President Obama , President Biden . And what we've seen so far suggests that there will be continuity in that relationship.

Javed Ashraf : The consequences of COVID are still present on a daily basis in everyone's life.

He says the changes it brought about, the disruptions it created, the, the.

losses that it generated at psychological, emotional, and even in material terms continues to have an impact on lives of the people.

And this has been exacerbated, of course, here in Europe by the war.

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